Tuesday January 20, 2015
TalentCorp CEO Johan Mahmood Merican (fifth from left) at the launch of SFCF Big Bang 2015 with representatives from host universities.
With the New Year comes a fresh kick-start for graduate engagement efforts, as can be seen from the launch of the first Sector Focused Career Fair (SFCF) this year, the SFCF Big Bang, hosted by Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad (TalentCorp).
Held from Jan 17 - 18 at the TM Convention Centre, the SFCF Big Bang incorporated career-related activities such as interview and résumé advisory sessions, coffee talk sessions, as well as walk-in interviews catered for those seeking job opportunities and internships.
The launch of the event was made official by TalentCorp CEO Johan Mahmood Merican who said that their aim was to help young career-seekers looking for their dream jobs to make informed decisions that are in line with the country’s key economic sectors.
Having reached out to 25,000 young people last year, the SFCFs are mainly held at universities around the country, connecting graduates to leading corporate organisations in various industries. These efforts help place graduates on the radar of leaders and human resource divisions of these reputable companies as well.
“PETRONAS ICT is looking to hire highly motivated people, who are self-starters and team players to work within a progressive and diverse organisation. A Sector Focused Career Fair like this gives us the opportunity to meet promising young Malaysian talent,” said PETRONAS ICT CEO Redza Goh.
The event also included a “CEO Walkabout” session, during which the CEOs of PETRONAS ICT Sdn Bhd, KPMG, Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd (MDeC), Schlumberger Sdn Bhd, and Aegis BPO Malaysia Sdn Bhd , manned their respective company booths and attend to visitors.
“I am excited to meet potential candidates and to see what the future of our talent looks like. We anticipate that these young people will find careers that will inspire and excite them, “said On Semiconductor (M) Sdn Bhd General Manager Jose Hernandez Lopez .
“Now, more than ever, the nation needs a knowledgeable and skilled workforce, and we are looking for talented individuals to contribute to advancing our talent pool and nation. Sector Focused Career Fair like this gives us, companies an avenue to find and nurture talent,” said SJ Grant Thornton Head of Talent & Culture Sharon Sung.
The SFCF Big Bang is an exciting start to TalentCorp’s calendar of six SFCFs across Malaysia focusing on select key industries. For more info and for future dates, visit www.talentcorp.com.my or www.facebook.com/SectorFocusedCareerFairSFCF.
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