Getting The Job


Resume Writing Format and Tips 2017/2018

Short Advertisement aka Announcement “ Fair 2017 is coming. Prepared yourself a good resume and secure a job during the job fair on 11 and 12 November 2017, at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. Fair brings you the first job fair in Malaysia that consists of Multinational Corporations (MNCs), Start-up Companies, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) & Recruitment Agencies. Pre-register now for the awesome job fair at”

There are so many different types of resume, yet the most common and popular used format belong to Chronological Resume (state and list everything from the latest). Let’s dig deep.

Sweet Candy Tips as below:-

- Maximum 2 pages (the first glance of resume view by the recruiter usually between 25 to 40 seconds).

- Can only adjust the top and bottom of the page margins but not side margins (use this trick only if you exceeded 2 pages).

- Font type family including Arial, Verdana, Trebuchet MS, Century Gothic, Gill Sans MT, Lucida Sans and Tahoma. Try to imagine thousands of fancy or hipster font in an A4 paper or PDF for reading, just overwhelming (no one going to read that).

- Font size in between 10.5 to 12.

- It’s always better to Bold or Italic the important content.

- Must convert and save your resume in PDF format (highly recommend to name it with your name).

Short Advertisement aka Announcement “ Fair 2017 is coming. Prepared yourself a good resume and secure a job during the job fair on 11 and 12 November 2017, at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. Fair brings you the first job fair in Malaysia that consists of Multinational Corporations (MNCs), Start-up Companies, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) & Recruitment Agencies. Pre-register now for the awesome job fair at”

Format and Content:-

1. Personal Information - Profile picture (optional), full name, phone number, email and personal branding website (if you have one), mailing address.

2. Objective Statement/ Summary Statement - State your contribution and skills towards the job applying and the company through education background or any related experience. Tell the job offered does sync to your ideal career path.

3. Professional/ Working Experience - List out minimum 1 or maximum 5 of the most recent/ career-related job experience (externships/ internships, volunteer, part-time, full-time or contract job). Detail including the company name, job title, duration, each with 3 major roles/ responsibilities (try to quantify all of the key points).

4. Education and Credentials - State only SPM level and above (table format is good). Only showing the latest education detail is fine too. List out the course name, institution name, scoring (optional and wording such as passed can be written) and achievement (Dean’s List or any education related).

5. Curriculum - Similar with Professional/ Working Experience. Content should consists of the club name, role, duration, 3 major roles/ responsibilities (try to quantify all of the key points).

6. Skills - Language skill for example, ability to write and communicate in both Bahasa Malaysia and English (self-rating in words or numbering is not recommended); every hard/ soft skill listed here must be able to provide a case study based on your personal experience to prove yourself during interview session.

7. References - Get someone which can sell you well, not killing you. Notify your referees of their name, company, job title, mobile and email have been shared. Minimum 2 referees, list 2 lecturers as referees; after internship, get 1 lecturer and 1 employer as referees; working adult, get 2 employers as referees.

Because we love you, here’s the last tips. Prepare to be questioned on every single word used in your entire resume.

Happy selling yourself to the employer via resume. We wish you all the best for your job interview during Fair on 11 and 12 November 2017, at KL Convention Centre. See you there.