

Helping the poor to improve their income

JASIN: The government will continue to provide assistance to low-income households (LIH) in an effort to lift them out of poverty through the 1Azam programme, a productive welfare programme under the Government Transformation Pro­gramme’s (GTP) LIH National Key Results Area (NKRA) to significantly improve the quality of life of these households.

Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil said the programme that was part of the LIH NKRA would help generate and increase the household income of this target group.

She said the best method in helping these people is by helping them secure jobs.

Through the 1Azam initiatives (Azam Kerja, Azam Niaga, Azam Tani and Azam Khidmat), a participant had many job options, such as business, agriculture and service.

She said other than a means to put food on the table, the poor also desired to be given the opportunity as well as be able to acquire new skills.

Shahrizat said her Ministry would perform an analysis to identify the types of businesses in order to provide appropriate assistance to participants who were registered under the eKasih database.